B-5838 download (PTP FILE)
support PMDG 737-800NG3 for msfs
- 对于MFS版本进行重新绘制
- 修改CHINA EASTERN英文与窗户间的间距
- 修改注册号字体
- 修改引擎的颜色
- 修改机翼的机翼贴线
- 增加中文机身标识
- 增加引擎的CFM标识
- 增加引擎的安全标识
- 增加驾驶舱内铭牌的SELCAL
- Redrawing the MFS version.
- Modifying the spacing between the "CHINA EASTERN" English text and the windows.
- Changing the font of the registration number.
- Modifying the color of the engines.
- Adjusting the winglet line on the wings.
- Adding Chinese fuselage markings.
- Adding the CFM identifier to the engines.
- Adding safety markings to the engines.
- Including the SELCAL plaque on the cockpit nameplate.